Tools for Publishers
Ad Revenue Calculator
Use this tool to estimate how much programmatic ad revenue you could (or should) be getting, using factors like geos, site category, and more!
Why Publishers Choose diDNA
40,000+ properties worldwide use diDNA technology to grow their websites. Here’s why:
70+ Premium Demand Partners
Easily plug into our 70+ demand partners for display, mobile, video & CTV as well as PMP access. Add our one line of code and watch your revenue grow.
Dedicated Revenue Optimization Team
You’re getting more than just a cutting-edge advertising platform with user-friendly tools and transparent reporting. You’re getting the entire diDNA revenue optimization team that has one focus: how to make you more money.
Curated Adtech Products and Partners
We know optimized programs involve a sophisticated tech stack. Our partner network of leading adtech products and services ensure you’re getting the most amount of revenue possible.
Exclusive Google MCM Program Partner
We have been selected by Google as an MCM (Multiple Customer Management) Program Partner, due to our quality, viewability, and performance. Our Publishers have exclusive access to Google’s Open Bidding, Premium Google (AdX) Demand, and Programmatic Direct (Preferred Deals and Programmatic Guaranteed). This means even more transparency and monetization opportunities for you!
Success Stories

“Integration into our systems was flawless and a custom dashboard is created to highlight day over day changes. diDNA has provided access to exchanges we were not able to secure on our own and they bring a level of expertise to header bidding best practices.”

“diDNA has become the easiest way for us at USSSA to monetize our content. Whether it’s their programatic display ads, or pre-rolls before video. The biggest benefit we have seen with diDNA is our ability to greatly increase our revenue per ad compared to what we were previously receiving. The diDNA team makes it simple to get their product working on your website. “

“Great company, great technology stack and nothing but a positive experience. The diDNA team is top notch. We got up and running with them in days and they immediately added new revenue to our bottom line. We continue to discover new ways to leverage their technology and grow our business.”
Let’s Get Started
Designed for publishers, ad tech partners, and everyone in between, diDNA sits at a unique crossroads between machine learning software and an experienced team of ad operations professionals, dedicated to driving revenue increases in the publisher advertising space